New recyclable mono-layer film

On July 1, 2021 the law on single-use plastics came into force, although this law does not yet contemplate packaging for the food sector at the moment, Copack active packaging assuming its commitment about the conservation of the environment and aware of the plan of action of the Commission (EU) in which through its communication of January 16, 2018 entitled "A European strategy for plastics in a circular economy" to establish a circular economy in which the design and production of plastics and plastic products , fully respect the needs of reuse, repair and recycling, taking into account the future of plastics and the impact their waste produces on the environment, Copack launches a recyclable single-layer PEBD (low-density polyethylene) film EVOH LDPE on the market Polyamide-free available in 65µ 80µ.
This is a first step towards the future of Copack in relation to totally recyclable and environmentally friendly packaging, since we are immersed in the constant search for new generations of these types of plastic films.
At Copack we want to be prepared to meet the growing demand for recyclable packaging from large commercial areas, to help our clients to get a packaging that meets the recycling requirements as well as to maintain the organoleptic and conservation qualities, to answer questions and concerns of our customers.